Transmission (The Invasion Chronicles—Book One): A
"TRANSMISSION is riveting, unexpected, and firmly rooted in strong psychological profiles backed with thriller and sci-fi elements: what more could readers wish for? (Just the quick publication of Book Two, Arrival.)"--Midwest Book ReviewFrom #1 worldwide bestselling fantasy author Morgan Rice comes a long-anticipated science fiction series debut. When SETI finally receives a signal from an alien civilization, what will happen next?A 13 year old boy, dying of a rare brain disease, is the only one able to hear and decode signals from outer space. SETI confirms it is a real signal.What is the message? How will the world react?And most of all: are the aliens coming?"Action-packed …. Rice's writing is solid and the premise intriguing."–Publishers Weekly, re A Quest of Heroes"A superior fantasy… A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists."弃皇恩负天下:绝世师尊
世界级心理学之父勒庞一生中最重要的作品!揭示心理操纵的真相!勒庞以对群体心理特征的研究而著称。他认为人群集时的行为本质上不同于人的个体行为。群集时有一种思想上的互相统一,勒庞称之为“群体精神统一性的心理学定律”(law of the mental unity of crowds),这种统一可以表现为不可容忍、不可抵抗的力量或不负责任。群体行为可能是突然的和极端的;智力过程可能是初步的和机械的。这是当时盛行的几种“群体心理”理论之一。在群集情况下,个体放弃独立批判的思考能力,而让群体的精神代替自己的精神,进而,放弃了责任意识乃至各种约束,最有理性的人也会像动物一样行动。