沈家大小姐好不容易逃婚成功,却遇上了最时髦的穿越。偏偏时运不济,旁人穿越步步莲花,她在青楼楚馆哼哼哈哈,好不容易成了无双郡主。转眼就被嫁给了冰山太子。这还要不要人活着迈向美好人生啊!第一次交锋,两人大打出手,她哭爹喊娘差点儿以身相许。第二次交锋,他是当朝太子,她一个郡主愣是矮了一截子。第三次交锋,他是她的夫君,她终于等来了平起平坐的机会。好不容易打算大显身手,宣告一下自己的地位无可撼动,谁知这时小三小四齐齐上阵,忙的她晕头转向,最后还差一点儿丢了身家性命。她终于明白了一个道理:老娘不干了,好好的一大片森林,为何要冻死在冰山上。【情节虚构,请勿模仿】The Golden Ass
Lucius Apuleius, a young man of good parentage, takes a trip to Thessaly. Along the way, amidst a series of bizarre adventures, he inadvertently offends a priestess of the White Goddess, who promptly turns him into an ass. How Lucius responds to his new misfortune, and ultimately finds a way to become human again, makes for a funny and fascinating tale.The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, referred to by St. Augustine as The Golden Ass, is the oldest novel written in Latin to survive in its entirety. Originally written by Lucius of Patrae, this translation by Robert Graves highlights the ribald humor and vivid sense of adventure present in the original. Providing a rare window in to the daily lives of regular people in ancient Greece, Robert Graves' translation of this classic tale is at once hilarious, informative, and captivating.