【完结】【爆笑女强】一觉醒来,穿越异世,身边只有一把破剑。草包?废材?臭乞丐?睁大你们的24KX眼看清楚,魂系血能觉醒,魔剑诞生,三只惊爆眼球的神兽匍匐在侧,看我灵漓如何只手玩转这个世界!“灵漓,你跑的掉么?”本想设计让这风流帅公子当自己保镖,谁知这货竟是强到吓人的千尊邪王,不仅没坑到他,反而被吃干抹净,拆的连骨头都不剩。在第1002次逃跑未遂后,某女满面苦容,“莫渊你丫的怎样才肯放过我!”邪王殿下歪着脑袋沉思片刻,“唔,先去把床暖了。”【读者群:123268613】Fish (Sheila Lukins Short eCookbooks)
For over twenty years, PARADE food editor, writer, and chef Sheila Lukins has inspired would-be chefs across the country with her accessible and easy-to-prepare Simply Delicious recipes. This e-cookbook is a compilation of Sheila's favorite chicken recipes from her time at PARADE, written with the busy home cook in mind.In addition to dozens of creative and succulent chicken recipes, this book provides an easy tutorial on how to roast the perfect chicken and carve poultry at the table. Readers get plenty of delicious and fun ideas for jazzing up a weeknight chicken dinner or creating the perfect special-occasion meal—that are sure to delight the entire family.