天下在手,大军在手,美人在怀,猛将如云。抬眼一看手里大刀。我的刀在不出哨,都生锈了。“战皇,李存孝请战!”“岳飞请战!”“李靖请战!”“赵云请战!”“薛仁贵请战!”“吕布请战!”“卢植请战!”“王彦章请战!”“哈哈哈哈哈!”“我陶松有如此多猛将,天下谁人能抗!”陶松冷目一瞪,我有李存孝可挡魔界。我有薛仁贵,吕布可战二郎神。我有鬼谷祖师能挡太上老君。仙界不惧之。“战皇白雪请战!”“哈哈哈哈!”“九尾天狐,妖皇白雪,你想挑战我的神枪?”“请战皇赐下东皇钟,白雪愿意服侍战皇!”“你想要东皇太一的东皇钟,帝俊的震天剑?”“呵呵!”陶松轻声一笑,妖界的神器在我手上,以后我不但是人皇,我还是妖皇。Mad World
Mad World is a highly entertaining oral history that celebrates the New Wave music phenomenon of the 1980s via new interviews with 35 of the most notable artists of the period. Each chapter begins with a discussion of their most popular song but leads to stories of their history and place in the scene, ultimately painting a vivid picture of this colorful, idiosyncratic time. Mixtape suggestions, fashion sidebars, and quotes from famous contemporary admirers help fill out the fun. Participants include members of Duran Duran, New Order, The Smiths, Tears for Fears, Adam Ant, Echo and the Bunnymen, Devo, ABC, Spandau Ballet, A Flock of Seagulls, Thompson Twins, and INXS.