【正文+番外全部完结】姐不就偷了个死人头骨么,至于么?成为八岁天才公主,却瞬间沦为废材?尼玛逗姐玩儿呢!那红眸冷凝,世人欺她,笑她,何以处之?很简单,为敌者-杀!风起云涌,绝世天才域外归来,誓要逆了苍穹,灭尽神佛!唯独那倾国妖孽笑靥如花,“小东西,待你长发及腰,本王娶你可好?”凰轻挽小手一扬,抚上他的胸膛,“少年,看在你美的逆天的份上,勉强留下暖床吧。”妖孽轻笑一声,按住她的小手,“来,今夜携手本王,摸索下生娃之道-”当极品女痞遇上妖孽邪王,携手大杀四方,天下,尽匐脚下!某女痞扬言:妖孽在手,天下我有!横扫千军万马,唯我至尊!某萌宝:娘亲,妖孽爹爹叫你回家吃饭了-I Hated to Do It
For over 40 years, Donald C. Farber was Kurt Vonnegut's attorney, literary agent, and close friend. In this deeply felt memoir, Farber offers a rare portrait of Vonnegut that is both candid and entertaining. A renowned entertainment lawyer with a largely famous clientele and a highly acclaimed author in his own right, Farber provides colorful anecdotes that detail the daily realities of working with Vonnegut from the perspective of the person who knew him best. The millions of fans around the world who mourned Vonnegut's passing will treasure this new and intimate portrait of him, not just as an acclaimed author, but also as a witty, eclectic, and brave personality that contributed greatly to our culture.