Prufrock and Other Observations
Included in Prufrock and Other Observations are the following poems: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Portrait of a Lady Preludes Rhapsody on a Windy Night Morning at the Window The Boston Evening Transcript Aunt Helen Cousin Nancy Mr. Apollinax Hysteria Conversation Galante La Figlia Che Piange爱尔兰没有蛇
弗雷德里克·福赛斯(Fredrick Forsyth 1938年8月25日——),英国著名作家,出生在英国肯特郡阿什福德市,在汤布里奇学校上完中学后就读于西班牙的格拉纳达大学。1970年,他决定开始从事小说创作,写出了他的第一部小说《豺狼的日子》,很快成为国际畅销书,并被拍成同名电影,风靡全球。1972年和1974年,他又写出《敖德萨档案》和《犬战》两部风靡全球的长篇小说,即被拍成电影。此后,他平均两年写出一本小说。2006年,68岁的福赛斯又把他的触角伸到了阿富汗,写出《阿富汗》一书,再次成为政治惊险片。迄今,他共创作出20部长篇小说,多数被拍成电影。重生国民男神:九少,请指教!
叶初重生了,重生在号称被掰弯的叶家继承人的身上。从此——国民男神,玄学大师,超级学霸等身份加持!她是让所有人为之疯狂的存在!*听说叶家现任家主叶修白是叶初阳的小叔。叶初阳:不,他是我男人!【女扮男装爽文,男主和女主没有血缘关系,欢迎进坑!】Scorpion God
This title comes with an introduction by Craig Raine. Three short novels show Golding at his playful, ironic and mysterious best. In The Scorpion God we see the world of ancient Egypt at the time of the earliest pharaohs. Clonk Clonk is a graphic account of a crippled youth's triumph over his tormentors in a primitive matriarchal society. And Envoy Extraordinary is a tale of Imperial Rome where the emperor loves his illegitimate grandson more than his own arrogant, loutish heir. "The writing is brilliant, so fluent and stylish that the stories read themselves like a dream. "(Daily Telegraph). "As ambitious and as engrossing as the best of Golding. "(Financial Times).擦去心灵的尘土(学生心理健康悦读)