【穿越+重生】上一世,她放弃皇后之位笑饮毒酒,一代战神就此陨落,千乘将军之名变成大陆上的传说。醒来时,却成了妖颜倾城软弱可欺的侯府小姐,自此废物变天才,于乱世中翻云覆雨,誓要夺回一切。他是世上唯一与她平分秋色的男子,对她百般纵容,“若你此生注定是朕的皇后,你逃到何处?”【本文双洁双强,结局1v1,放心入坑】Beyond the Mask
In this dramatic conclusion to the Grasslands Trilogy, Corki, Pippa, and all their friends are reunited for a final fight to determine the future of Grassland. After escaping the mountains of Grassland, where Corki and Pippa and their friends were slaves and soldiers, the fugitives finally found a new life, and are seemingly safe at last. But as the former slaves explore new lands to the north, they discover that cruelty and injustice are not only found in Grassland, and that the people they visit may need their help. Grassland, too, may need assistance. When an appeal from an old friend reaches Corki and Pippa in their travels, will they have the courage to do what's right for their old land, despite its cruel history? What will it cost them to change Grassland for the better?