【爽文,双处,一生一世一双人,男主身心干净,互宠+腹黑,欢迎入坑。】前世,南宫玥是被自己坑死的。她出生名门,身份尊贵,得当世神医倾囊相授,一身医术冠绝天下。她倾尽一切,助他从一介皇子登上帝位,换来的却是一旨满门抄斩!她被囚冷宫,隐忍筹谋,最终亲手覆灭了他的天下。一朝大仇得报,她含笑而终,却未想,再睁眼,却回到了九岁那一年。嫡女重生,这一世,她绝不容任何人欺她、辱她、轻她、践她!年少溺亡的哥哥,疯癫早逝的母亲,这一世,她必要保他们一生幸福安泰。前世的继母,你不是喜欢勾引有妇之夫吗?那就给你找个断袖分桃的男人,让你勾引个够!前世的夫君,你不是为了皇位可以不择手段吗?这辈子你再怎么算计也只会与皇位无缘!亲爱的表妹,前世的夺夫灭族之痛,一刀一刀让你慢慢还回来!偏心的祖母,极品的亲戚,既然你们想斗,那就干脆斗个天翻地覆!原以为这一世,她会孤独终老,没想到,前世那个弑父杀弟,阴狠毒辣的“杀神”镇南王却悄然出现在了她的生命里。只是……怎么画风好像不太对,说好的冷血阴郁、心机深沉去哪儿了?—◆—小剧场:一道圣旨下,她成了他的世子妃。“以后本姑娘出门要跟从。”“是!”“本姑娘的命令要服从。”“是!”“本姑娘讲错要盲从。”“是!”“本姑娘花钱要舍得。”“是!”“还有,以后本姑娘生气要忍得。”“是!以后世子妃您让往上,吾绝不敢往下!”他羞答答地抛了一个媚眼,比女人还要娇媚,“那我们就说好了,以后,……?”她洗目,这真的是前世那个弑父杀弟的“杀神”吗?The Uncanny Express (The Unintentional Adventures
Jaundice and Kale are back from their adventure on the high seas, and they are settling back into a quiet life in Dullsville, just the way they like it. The tea is tepid, the oatmeal is tasteless, and the socks are ripe for darning … until Aunt Shallot shows up and reveals herself to be anything but the dull relation they were expecting. Instead, she tells her nieces she is Magique, Queen of Magic, and she's on her way to a big show and in need of two willing assistants. As Magique and the Bland sisters board the Uncanny Express, they meet a cast of mystifying characters. And when Magique goes missing, it's up to Jaundice and Kale to solve the mystery—with the help of famous detective Hugo Fromage. An inventive story in the tradition of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, TheUnintentional Adventures of the Bland Sisters: The Uncanny Express has all the whimsy and humor that readers who are looking for an anything-but-bland adventure will love.