《告诉你一个卓别林的故事》精选了卓别林人生中富有代表性的事件和故事,以点带面,从而折射出他充满传奇的人生经历和各具特点的鲜明个性。通过阅读《告诉你一个卓别林的故事》。我们不仅要了解他的生活经历,更要了解他的奋斗历程,以及学习他在面对困难、失败和挫折时所表现出来的杰出品质。Mourning Glory
Grace Sorentino has never known the good life: from childhood hardships, to a marriage that began with lofty dreams and ended with all hopes shattered, Grace Sorentino has been dealt bad hand after bad hand.Grace and Jackie, her rebellious teenage daughter, are now stuck in Florida, on the verge of poverty. Grace works as an underpaid and underappreciated cosmetician at Saks Fifth Avenue, and Jackie—when she is not spending her time with questionable boys—balances school and two jobs. Just when Grace believes that things couldn't get any worse, she is fired after accidentally insulting a snobby customer.