所以,她想摆脱白天猫身晚上人身的日子,要跟他呆九九八十一天?夜里幻化成人,要主动使出浑身解数讨他欢心。“这是……”“在你的岛上发现了一只高贵冷艳的鸡在糟蹋灵草。不用谢!”“你居然炖了本尊用灵草喂养的五灵彩凤火云鸡??!”“喵了个咪的,还不就是一只鸡……”They Hanged My Saintly Billy
A self-confessed forger, cheat, thief, and petty criminal, William Palmer was also a surgeon and a racehorse owner during the Victorian era who doped horses, fixed races, philandered unapologetically, and generally behaved as an all-around rogue. But the crime for which he was condemned was altogether more serious: poisoning numerous members of his family as well as a close friend. Based on the historic trial of a man characterized as a sociopath and a serial killer, Robert Graves tells the story from the defendant's point of view, the story of a man who was deeply flawed but ultimately not beyond redemption.Based on a historical trial held in 1856, Robert Graves' novel is brimming with humor, emotion, and social commentary. Told through the eyes of both friends and enemies, Palmer comes to life as a not-unsympathetic antihero.Voyagers III
Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Keith Stoner, is now head of Vanguard Industries which has recovered an alien ship. As a result, Jo's company now controls the incredible wealth of technology aboard the ship as well as the fortune it reaps in - not to mention control of Keith Stoner.What Camerata does not know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the recesses of Stoner's mind. The alienate presence that has kept Stoner alive for so long is now free and fully intends to explore our world and will let nothing stand in its way.