本书是开卷书坊第三辑中的一种,系著名诗人、作家、出版人徐鲁先生的散文集。其中既有追慕先贤大师,如孙犁、梁宗岱、鲁迅、徐迟、丰子恺、曾卓、绿原等,也有评赞书友时俊,如画家贺飞白、萧继石、梅春林,长笛演奏家涂琳,书法家刘永泽,诗人、散文家赵丽宏,散文家李华章、文字圆润丰满,关怀体贴亲切。当然,也少不了论及名著书事,如《欧美名家短篇小说丛刊》《开卷》《刑场上的婚礼》《长江文艺》等。对于文学爱好者而言,是极有趣味,极具可读性的。THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES
本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。The Siege
Ismail Kadare's The Siege dramatizes a relentless fictional assault on a Christian fortress in the Albanian mountains by the Ottoman Army in the fifteenth century. As the bloody and psychologically crushing struggle for control over the citadel unfolds, Kadare's newest work opens a window onto the eternal clash between religions and empires as well as the exhilaration, despair, and immediacy of the wkkk.net is a hugely respected novelist and a hero to his people, as well as an outspoken critic of all forms of totalitarianism. The Siege is a powerfully atmospheric … and vividly rendered (The Telegraph) novel of considerable cumulative power and resonance for our own times.