明末的世界很精彩。英国从内战中解脱出来,开启了“日不落帝国”的征程。奥斯曼正在经历最后的辉煌,随即便开始衰落,最终沦为“西亚病夫”。俄国开始了对西伯利亚和东欧的征伐,向着“俄罗斯帝国”迈进。荷兰,西班牙,波兰等,也开始由盛转衰。法国,葡萄牙,莫卧儿帝国,瑞典,神圣罗马帝国……主角穿越到了这个波澜壮阔的时代。此时的大明,朝廷中枢党争不断,黎民百姓生存艰难,外有后金虎视眈眈,内有流寇祸乱不断,文明被野蛮战胜的悲剧即将上演。既然无法挽苍天于将倾之际,拦狂澜于将倒之时,那就打下一片属于自己的基业,参与到这轰轰烈烈的世界浪潮之中。让神州大地,不再陷入野蛮的异族统治,不再如历史上那般沉寂。Time out of Time
In book two of the Time out of Time series, the excitement and mystery continue as Timothy; his sister, Sarah; and their friend, Jessica, journey to Edinburgh, Scotland, where they seek the Four Treasures, especially the Telling Stone. They must keep the treasures from falling into the hands of Balor, who will use them to deprive the world of good. The children pass through Time out of Time as they undertake their quest, encountering mythic and folkloric characters, including the Tuatha Dé Danann, Gwydon, and Cerridwyn. A code hidden in an ancient map is the key to finding the Telling Stone. The book includes a four-color map and concludes with a glossary of the many historical, literary, and folkloric references mentioned in both this and the first Time out of Time volume.