国无德不兴,人无德不立。2018年3月,习近平总书记再次强调:领导干部要讲政德。政德建设无疑是全面从严治党的内在要求,也是整个社会道德建设的风向标,与中国传统“为政以德”思想一脉相承。本书从治国宝典《群书治要》中选取历代圣贤的政德实践智慧,由中央党校教授按“严私德、守公德、明大德”三个体系,结合党政工作之需,进行精要解析。以古论今、古为今用,旨在帮助领导干部深入认识政德修养的重要性,提升综合素质,成就新作为。When You Wish upon a Rat
With echoes of such classic wish-gone-wrong books as Freaky Friday, Half Magic, and Coraline, this terrific novel has the potential to become a middle-grade wkkk.net-year-old Ruth Craze is pretty sure she's stuck in the wrong life. With an absentminded inventor for a father and a flighty artist for a mother, it's always reliable Ruth who ends up doing the dishes, paying the bills, and finding lost socks. Her brothers are no help (they're too busy teasing her), and her friends have just decided she's not cool enough to be a part of their group anymore. So when Rodney the Rat —a slightly sinister stuffed animal that was a gift from her favorite aunt —suggests a way out, Ruth is ready to risk everything. Three wishes. Three chances to create her perfect life. A million ways to get it wkkk.net for When You Wish Upon a Rat"Winning, original moments." —Kirkus Reviews"An engaging look at friendship and family." —Booklist最让你乐观自信的幽默故事(智慧背囊)