主要讲述的是一块带有神秘能量的金属,用它制作的盔甲能和丁奇奇的大脑连通、使他变身为机嚣小飞侠!可是,神秘金属引来外星强敌入侵幻想城,机嚣小飞侠丁奇奇能化解 这场巨大灾难吗?Malone Dies
'Malone', writes Malone, 'is what I am called now.' On his deathbed, and wiling away the time with stories, the octogenarian Malone's account of his condition is intermittent and contradictory, shifting with the vagaries of the passing days: without mellowness, without elegiacs; wittier, jauntier, and capable of wilder rages than Molloy. The sound I liked best had nothing noble about it. It was the barking of the dogs, at night, in the clusters of hovels up in the hills, where the stone-cutters lived, like generations of stone-cutters before them. it came down to me where I lay, in the house in the plain, wild and soft, at the limit of earshot, soon weary. The dogs of the valley replied with their gross bay all fangs and jaws and foam…