《白夜》讲叙了一个以幻想度日的人和一个自幼父母双亡、与奶奶相依为命、与房客私订终身的姑娘纳斯金卡四个夜晚心与心的交流。对爱的追求将他们紧密地联系在一起,使之由陌路成为知己甚至情人,但又是对爱的承诺和关照使他们又各归其位,前者仍活在幻想之中,后者则与心爱之人步入结婚殿堂。A Face Like Glass
In the underground city of Caverna, the world's most skilled craftsmen toil in the darkness to create delicacies beyond compare—wines that remove memories, cheeses that make you hallucinate, and perfumes that convince you to trust the wearer, even as they slit your throat. On the surface, the people of Caverna seem ordinary, except for one thing: their faces are as blank as untouched snow. Expressions must be learned, and only the famous Facesmiths can teach a person to express (or fake) joy, despair, or fear—at a steep price. Into this dark and distrustful world comes Neverfell, a girl with no memory of her past and a face so terrifying to those around her that she must wear a mask at all times. Neverfell's expressions are as varied and dynamic as those of the most skilled Facesmiths, except hers are entirely genuine. And that makes her very dangerous indeed…