他娶她的那一天,万人空巷,热闹空前。她是全天下女人羡慕的对象,因为她的夫君是西凉最宠爱的贤王。他休离她的那一天,天下易主,众望所归。她成为全天下女人笑话的对象,因为她曾经的身份曝光人前。她一个青楼女子,如何能成为母仪天下的皇后?从云端跌入泥中,个中滋味只有自己知晓。再次相见,他温润一笑,她却释然颔首。听着她身后的稚童甜甜的叫她一声“娘亲”。为何他的心有刹那间的疼痛。衣袂翩然,指尖轻擦。他想握,却再也握不住……情节虚构,请勿模仿Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die
What is the most unforgettable place you've ever taken a refreshing sip of a cold beer? In Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die, Chris Santella explores the best destinations to crack open a cold one, reflect on the day, and take in the scenery. The book features the world's top locations for imbibing, from beautiful landscapes to beer festivals, breweries, classic drinking establishments, and brand-new, under-the-radar spots. With a mix of national and international places to visit —Asheville, Denver, Prague, Munich, Vienna, and more —as well as firsthand accounts from contributors such as Jim Koch (founder of Boston Brewing Company/Samuel Adams) and Joe Wiebe (author of CraftBeer Revolution), this book will make you want to trek to each must-see destination. Packed with beautiful, vibrant photographs that bring each locale to life, Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die will leave you craving barley and hops and eagerly planning your next trip.