Passing On
Booker-Prize winning author Penelope Lively is that rare writer who goes from strength to strength in book after perfectly assured book. In Passing On, she applies her distinctive insight and consummate artistry to the subtle story of a domineering and manipulative mother's legacy to her children. With their mother's death, Helen and Edward, both middle-aged and both unmarried, are left to face the ramifications of their mother's hold on their lives for all of these years. Helen and Edward slowly learn to accept what has been lost in their own lives and embrace what can yet be retrieved. "The richest and most rewarding of her novels." - The Washington Post Book World背叛(吸血鬼日志系列#3)
A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you! wkkk.net (Turned)BETRAYED is book #3 in the #1 Bestselling series...我们曾相爱,想到就心酸
每天学点怪诞行为学大全集:透视人类行为的非理性误区和非常态背后的真相(白金版)》向人们揭示了左右我们大脑和行为的各种诡谲的深层因素及导致这些怪诞行为发生的真实原因和特定心理,并为我们提供了相应的应对措施。《每天学点怪诞行为学大全集:透视人类行为的非理性误区和非常态背后的真相(白金版)》除了为读者还原了日常生活中的怪诞行为及现象背后的本质,为读者展示生活的本来面目外,更加注重告诉读者如何拥有一双慧眼,让读者能够对自己所见、所闻、所感到的事件和行为进行分析,了解事情背后的真相,从而真正作出理性的决断。竞选风波(Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work)