这是写给女人的一部不可多得的心灵成长读物。本书从女性的视角出发,从修身、家庭、职场、婚姻等各方面生动阐述了女人应有的心智成熟度。幸运不会从天而降,好命不是天生造就。要想拥有令人羡慕的人生,就要认真规划,让自己的心智成熟起来。爱情、事业、生活……都要认真地对待,理性地规划,你的人生才会更幸福,更快乐。Field Work
At the centre of this collection, which includes groups of elegies and love poems, there is a short sonnet sequence which concentrates themes apparent elsewhere in the book: the individual's responsibility for his own choices, the artist's commitment to his vocation, the vulnerability of all in the face of circumstance and death. 'Throughout the volume Heaney's outstanding gifts, his eye, his ear, his understanding of the poetic language are on display - this is a book we cannot do without.' Martin Dodsworth, Guardian