什麽她的初夜只值一千五百万?什麽道理?这个男人到底是谁?趁黑打劫就闪人?世界上有这麽好的事情吗?好!一千五百万?我要你整个纪氏家族!第一次的偶遇上天已经给他们种下了缘分的种子,三个月后的相遇令他们产生了丝丝的感情,可是没想到缘分弄人,上天让他失去了他和她的所有记忆,他陷入了无限的低沉当中,根本无法想起,她殷云一定会让这个男人记起他的爱!The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood returns with a shrewd, funny, and insightful retelling of the myth of Odysseus from the point of view of Penelope. Describing her own remarkable vision, the author writes in the foreword, I've chosen to give the telling of the story to Penelope and to the twelve hanged maids. The maids form a chanting and singing Chorus, which focuses on two questions that must pose themselves after any close reading of the Odyssey: What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to? The story as told in the Odyssey doesn't hold water: there are too many inconsistencies. I've always been haunted by the hanged maids and, in The Penelopiad, so is Penelope herself." One of the high points of literary fiction in 2005, this critically acclaimed story found a vast audience and is finally available in paperback.以芭蕾之名行公主之礼