The Complete Short Prose of Samuel Beckett, 1929-1
Nobel Prize winner Samuel Beckett was one of the most profoundly original writers of the 20th century. He gave expression to the anguish and isolation of the individual consciousness with a purity and minimalism that have altered the shape of world literature. A tremendously influential poet and dramatist, Beckett spoke of his prose fiction as the "important writing," the medium in which he distilled his ideas most powerfully. Here, for the first time, his short prose is gathered in a definitive, complete volume by leading Beckett scholar S. E. Gontarski.许我唯一,许我天荒(全集)
我常常深思对许子扬的感情,像是一种认犊情绪,人与动物第一眼睁开时看到的是母亲,哪怕年岁成长,也总是与母亲有着割不断的情感。许子扬曾以雷霆之势劈进我的生命,让我的心毫无防备地缴械投降,即使后来受伤,也终难放下。再遇纠缠,得知他就是唯一,是我最初恋上且深爱过的传奇人物,即便心中是彻骨的伤痛,却还是不可避免陷进他的泥潭里。我认定了他是唯一,是那个许下唯一诺言的人。狐王来袭: 盛宠独家冷妻