夏安好觉得人生最倒霉的事情莫过于:跟了个腹黑上司,嫁了个流氓老公!楚泽觉得人生最幸运的事情莫过于:找了个傲娇助理,娶了个蠢萌老婆!夏安好本以为误打误撞,碰到了一个来路不明的临时老公,可为什么对方摇身一变居然成了她顶头上司?还是一个光环萦绕的国际调查机构的大boss?最最最关键的是,好端端的一枚男神,为什么在流氓的路上一去不复返了?--情节虚构,请勿模仿On the Loom
In On the Loom, Maryanne Moodie brings the ancient art of weaving to the modern day in a comprehensive guide packed with step-by-step tutorials and beautiful photography. Learn the basics of this simple and beautiful craft with valuable information on basic stitches, tools needed, and even how to make your own looms. Split by loom type—circular, rectangular, and even found objects—24 lush, bohemian, and uniquely modern projects for the home and to wear draw deeply on the nostalgic quality of vintage textiles. In addition to the how-to, this is the ultimate resource for finding your own creativity and style through this medium, from learning which materials to use for different effects to discovering how to use color to create vintage-inspired projects with a modern twist.丧尸惊魂:Z因子病毒系列之三