穿越成病秧子小美人,还要被逼嫁给残疾王爷,一手的烂牌人设!但是没关系,不就是装白花扮柔弱巧夺人心么?她在行得很,翻云覆雨间,得了某只腹黑王爷青眼相加,无尽溺宠。世道乱,携手相护,平战天下,而江山高位在他心中,远不及她灿然一笑。More Pricks Than Kicks
His first published work of fiction (1934), More Pricks Than Kicks is a set of ten interlocked stories, set in Dublin and involving their adrift hero Belacqua in a series of encounters, as woman after woman comes crashing through his solipsism. More Pricks contains in embryo the centrifugal world of Beckett's men and women. She lifted the lobster clear of the table. It had about thirty seconds to live. Well, thought Belacqua, it's a quick death, God help us all. It is not.