减肥瘦身应以身心健康为前提,身形窈窕曲线也应自然造就!日本NHK超人气祖母级养生专家 邱淑惠更安全、更有效、更便捷的健康瘦身法!日本上百万女性已蒙受其惠,穴位按摩专书仍不断出版中,在日本NHK等媒体中一再被报导,并被誉为“日本穴道按摩第一人”,年过60,仍以23腰的实际成果让各界人士激赞不已。无论整体瘦身或局部减肥,简单易学,轻松有效。本书从中医的角度揭示肥胖的原理,结合和学研究资料,透过介绍穴位按压瘦身的方法,辅助以健康饮食和运动,来帮助读者树立正确的的瘦身观念,享「瘦」健康新生活。《从头到脚说瘦身》提供给你全面而完整、基本且重要的穴位按摩知识及要领。让你真正体验到穴压瘦身所带来的神奇与奥妙!Storyteller
A visitor from Peru, happening upon an exhibition of photographs from the Amazon jungle in an obscure Florentine picture gallery, finds his attention drawn to a picture of a tribal storyteller seated among a circle of Michiguenga Indians. There is something odd about the storyteller. He is too light-skinned to be an Indian. As the visitor stares at the photograph, it dawns on him that he knows this man. The storyteller is his long-lost friend, Saul Zuratas, his classmate from university who was thought to have disappeared in Israel. The Storyteller is a brilliant and compelling study of the world of the primitive and its place in our own modern lives.巴黎圣母院(语文新课标课外必读第十辑)