日报头条新闻,帝豪集团总裁的新娘逃婚了,第二天新娘和别的男人在酒店......面对此时的她,他只是微微一笑,视而不见,待她好如初见。传闻他疯了,竟然要一个不知廉耻的女人。岂不知,真正疯了的人是她。人前,他们恩爱甜蜜,人后,他们相敬如宾,形如陌路。终于她受不了,“我们离婚吧!”原来他等待的就是这句话。离婚后,她成分万众瞩目的焦点,成为媒体、家喻户晓的热门话题。有人说她不知好歹,有人说她另结新欢......流言蜚语她置若罔闻,原本以为这一切都会随着离婚而结束。突然,她妈妈重病,需要手术费一百万,她走投无路之下再一次求助于他。昏暗的房间,他翘着腿不屑的瞄了她一眼,“借你一百万,你拿什么还我?”她僵直了身体,转身离开。“我家缺一个佣人,如果你叶大医生肯屈就的话......”“我愿意。”佣人意味着没有尊严没有人格,他沐浴她替他放水,他出门她替他穿衣,他睡觉......Rites of Passage
The first volume of William Golding's Sea Trilogy. Sailing to Australia in the early years of the nineteenth century, Edmund Talbot keeps a journal to amuse his godfather back in England. Full of wit and disdain, he records the mounting tensions on the ancient, sinking warship where officers, sailors, soldiers and emigrants jostle in the cramped spaces below decks. Then a single passenger, the obsequious Reverend Colley, attracts the animosity of the sailors, and in the seclusion of the fo'castle something happens to bring him into a 'hell of degradation', where shame is a force deadlier than the sea itself. "e;The work of a master at the full stretch of his age and wisdom - necessary, provoking, urgent, rich, complex and rare"e;. (The Times). "e;An extraordinary novel"e;. (Observer). "e;Golding's best and most accessible story since Lord of the Flies"e;. (Melvyn Bragg).当说者被说的时候:比较叙述学导论