她是二十一世纪的王牌杀手,惊才绝艳,手段狠辣,极善谋略。他是东陵国五皇子,秦王殿下,貌若谪仙,冷漠肃杀,实则腹黑闷骚,将天下玩弄于鼓掌之中。第一次相遇,他如鬼魅般的逼近她,将她禁锢在怀里,“没错,就是这样的眼神,女人,我对你很有兴趣!”***一朝穿越,她变身尚书府最不受宠的懦弱嫡长女。父亲满心算计,二娘恨之入骨,庶妹虎视眈眈,那又如何?除奸人,保地位,斗姨娘,掌掴庶妹,嫡出大小姐大放光彩!从来只有她算计人,何时轮到他们嚣张了!***一纸婚书,她成了秦王的正妃。——一生一世一双人,你是我夫君,我爱你,便愿为你赴汤蹈火,辅佐你成就万里江山!——万里江山本王要,你,本王也要!慕筠溪,你且听好了,本王许你天下,许你一辈子!*本文男强女强,女主腹黑伪善,男主腹黑闷骚,腹黑+腹黑,调戏与反调戏。*简介无力,本文男女主身心干净,结局1V1。The Rise of Germany, 1939-1941
The Second World War is one of the most significant conflicts in history, but for seven decades our understanding of the war has remained mostly fixed, framed by the accounts of participants and an early generation of historians. James Holland, one of the leading young historians of World War II, has spent over a decade conducting new research, interviewing survivors, and exploring archives that have never before been so accessible to unearth forgotten memoirs, letters, and official records. In The Rise of Germany, Holland draws on this research to reconsider the strategy, tactics, and economic, political, and social aspects of the war. The Rise of Germany is a masterful book that redefines our understanding of the opening years of World War II. Beginning with the lead-up to the outbreak of war in 1939 and ending in the middle of 1941 on the eve of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Russia, The Rise of Germany is a landmark history of the war on land, in the air, and at sea.