人生若必要追逐爱情,你是否希望遇到这样一个男人?——你负天下人,他为你还;若天下人负你,他拥你入怀,然后……冷眼天下,袖手旁观。◇她是蛇妖,他是凡人。她艳若桃李、歹如蛇蝎;他纯白若梨、高洁如雪。蛇妖七七,第一次见到方若梨就想吸干他的精元。如此飘逸脱俗的人,人间少见,他的精元等于仙丹,没有不吃的道理。可是,她突然想咬他的喉咙、喝他的血,却屡屡不得手。不是他有人神庇佑,而是她自己决心不定。原来,梨花林里,她已对他一见倾心。她对他处处挑衅,强要他的婚姻、他的爱情。他欲逃无路,或者,从没真的要逃?她原以为,相逢就是有缘。而她,强求了一段情。原来,相逢不过是彼此的意外,他们根本没有缘!而情太痴,强生出一段缘,生生改变了老天排好的命盘。她只是向他强要了名分,而他向天强要了一切。因为,桃花树下,他已一望成痴…….我觉得这个简介很带感啊!觉得不带感的童鞋就忽略了它吧,直接去看文。相信我,这绝对是一个精彩又感人的故事。Poison Most Vial
Murder in the lab! The famous forensic scientist Dr. Ramachandran is stone-cold dead, and Ruby Rose's father is the prime suspect. It's one more reason for Ruby to hate the Gardens, the funky urban neighborhood to which she has been transplanted. Wise but shy, artistic but an outsider, Ruby must marshal everything and everyone she can to help solve the mystery and prove her father didn't poison his boss. Everyone? The list isn't too long: there's T. Rex, Ruby's big, goofy but goodhearted friend; maybe those other two weird kids from class; and that mysterious old lady in the apartment upstairs, who seems to know a lot about chemistry … which could come in very wkkk.net for Poison Most Vial“Carey mixes toxic chemistry and logic problems in his second middle-grade mystery to good, if not great effect. Budding chemists and crime-scene investigators will especially enjoy this science whodunit."智慧创造财富 创新成就可能