庄颜曦和儿子冷帝司莫名其妙的被车撞死了,穿越到平行世界活了过来,还绑定了一个系统。从此她走上了为了被黑而拉黑的娱乐圈道路。最后系统告诉她,不但要拉黑,还要黑转粉庄颜曦:“……”系统:“宿主大人,我们来一起拯救世界吧!加油你是最棒哒(* ̄3 ̄)╭??小花花砸你”庄颜曦:“……”小柿子???:“拯救世界,为什么还要拉上我一个只有六岁的孩子?”每天要装长辈面前的乖宝宝,其他家长眼里的别人家的孩子,老师的好学生,心累不爱了,明明他只想和老妈一起环游世界,偶尔来个刺激运动,就没有其他的了呀。系统:“小孩子就要好好学习,天天向上呀(*^ワ^*)”庄颜曦/冷帝司:打死它可以吗(▼ヘ▼#)欢喜冤家:二二妞的甜蜜爱恋
A visitor from Peru, happening upon an exhibition of photographs from the Amazon jungle in an obscure Florentine picture gallery, finds his attention drawn to a picture of a tribal storyteller seated among a circle of Michiguenga Indians. There is something odd about the storyteller. He is too light-skinned to be an Indian. As the visitor stares at the photograph, it dawns on him that he knows this man. The storyteller is his long-lost friend, Saul Zuratas, his classmate from university who was thought to have disappeared in Israel. The Storyteller is a brilliant and compelling study of the world of the primitive and its place in our own modern lives.