新婚之夜,乔初颜抛下她和满堂宾客不顾。形婚两年,虞清清本分地扮演乔家少夫人的角色,却换来他一句冰冷的离婚。江子曦如裂缝里的阳光闯进她的世界,爱她、宠她,极尽所能。他说:“只要清清要的,我江子曦都会双手奉上。”后来,父亲被举报为亚洲头号毒枭,锒铛入狱;母亲突发脑溢血撒手人寰,哥哥车祸昏迷不醒;一夕之间,虞清清的世界天崩地裂。虞清清永远都想不到,这一切都是拜他所赐,那个宠她到心尖的男人,真相如一把尖刀剜着她的心。她红着眼睛问:“江子曦,你就是这么爱我的吗?”媒体闻风而至,舆论的浪尖之上,逼问、讽刺,如尖锐的钢针插进她的身体,一瞬间,她满头白发……The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Upon its hardcover publication, renowned author Philip Pullman's The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ provoked heated debates and stirred a frenzy of controversy throughout the clerical and literary worlds alike with its bold retelling of the life of Jesus wkkk.net this remarkable piece of fiction, famously atheistic author Philip Pullman challenges the events of the Gospels and puts forward his own compelling and plausible version of the life of Jesus. Written with unstinting authority, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ is a pithy, erudite, subtle, and powerful book by a beloved author, a text to be read and reread, studied and unpacked, much like the Good Book itself.