小时候,他对她一见钟情。 但却没能保护好她,因此被人贩子拐卖唤醒了第二人格。自此宋小汐被关在z国千家的城堡里,天天幻想着外面的世界和离家出走。不料,第99次离家出走当场被恶魔抓住!-----宫凌澈!迟早有一天我会骑在你头上的!不然我就不姓宋! (不喜勿喷,作者写作小学生水平quq里面很多词可能用词不当。望周知。)爱上我的灵异先生
幼年时,小镇老宅,午后人来人往,却全然没注意大门从未开过。爷爷的声音萦绕,模糊间只记得,累积阴德,许我平安。他年,辗转他乡,得老道赠予暖阳玉——可保十五年平安。十五年后。又是命中难过的天儿——雪后雨,寒上寒。暖阳玉失,劫难突生。命运未知且迷雾重重。“这个男人为什么会有两张脸?”“谁来救救我?”“地下古墓的女尸为什么会和我有关系?”“七月半,为什么我要去点亮那盏阴阳灯?”事件一件比一件离奇,而我只是一个身负巨债,亲人皆失的普通女人,如何得过?他一次又一次卷入我命运的齿轮之中,救我于危难。堂堂沈氏大少,年轻副总裁却是一个自小修道的灵异先生,游走在常人未知的世界。而我,终究爱上他。The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget
In The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, Josh Dorfman takes you inside the latest developments in green living to demonstrate how you can easily and affordably have your designer jeans and your planet too. From raising eco-conscious kids to greening your daily commute, Dorfman provides insights into the next wave of green innovation and the products and services that will lighten your planetary impact and lower your expenses. Find bargain basement deals on stylish organic bedding and bamboo furnishings at the largest retailers in the world. Score instant rebates on everything from compact fluorescent light bulbs to energy-efficient air conditioners. And earn reward points for carpooling with friends.?In a time when many people are feeling financially restricted, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget is your guide to effortlessly saving the planet while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.