举目四顾,豺狼遍地,有王法管不住的藩镇,有分庭抗礼的藩镇,有垂垂欲动的藩镇,更有契丹铁骑的肆意掠劫,当时朝廷虽在,天下已亡。公元927年至公元951年,大宋前三十年,是中国历史的暗黑年代。了解这三十年,就明白何为野蛮与残暴,就明白大宋王朝为何被称为文明盛世。大宋立国前三十年是豺狼纵横、铁骑肆虐的兵场,是藩镇割据、分庭抗礼,阴谋与残暴罪行的发生地,是文明沦丧、道义尽失,让世人噩梦不断的炼狱。大宋立国前三十年的历史,就是一部篡逆成灾的动乱史,一部被鲜血与悲情遮蔽的中国人的苦难史。了解这三十年历史,看清五代乱世的因果,就明白大宋帝国的由来,明白赵匡胤建构并推演大宋文明的良苦用心……Iron Cast
It's Boston, 1919, and the Cast Iron club is packed. On stage, hemopaths —whose "afflicted" blood gives them the ability to create illusions through art —Corinne and Ada have been best friends ever since infamous gangster Johnny Dervish recruited them into his circle. By night they perform for Johnny's crowds, and by day they con Boston's elite. When a job goes wrong and Ada is imprisoned, she realizes how precarious their position is. After she escapes, two of the Cast Iron's hires are shot, and Johnny disappears. With the law closing in, Corinne and Ada are forced to hunt for answers, even as betrayal faces them at every turn. An ideal next read for fans of Libba Bray's The Diviners.