一部社会伦理小说。农家姑娘银莲出生在落后的农村齐家湾,遭受了村官齐军的强暴,不久怀孕。银莲的父亲眼看女儿肚子一天天的大起来,匆忙为她找了个上门女婿。这桩婚姻从一开始就非银莲所愿,银莲的丈夫随后与父亲一道出门打工,她成了一个留守妇女。生活条件因家庭成员的外出务工而得到了改善,但是本能的需要却使得身为留守妇女的银莲陷入苦恼。这期间,中国社会发生了巨大的变化,银莲也从齐家湾来到了县城,结识了身世比她还要不幸的熊燕,她们最终合伙经营了一个花店,俩人结下了深厚的情谊。由于男女的性别失调,农村男青年找对象暴露出了严重的问题,而这个问题竟然使三十好几的银莲也成为一个受害者,悲剧性的结尾发人深思。The Link
The work The Link began as a 557-page outline that Richard Matheson wrote for a proposed twenty-hour ABC mini-series in the late 1970s. The ABC executives asked Matheson to shorten the series into seven hours but after Matheson had written three hours of the series, the two parted company. Matheson's original vision could not be condensed without destroying the essence of the plot and characters. Here in The Link is the original outline, in narrative form, in publication for the first time.The story follows Robert Allright as he explores his own demons as well as those of psychics past as he also struggles to decipher his father's dying wish to explore an archeological dig in Arizona. Allright's only clue is the mystifying crystal that his father believes is the key to a great discovery.