七年前,她的名字是林弯弯,在一次被拐卖的途中被警察解救。因为找寻不到亲生父母,故此被警察收养。陌生的家、姐姐的排挤、养父母的疏离、让她在这个家中亦步亦趋。直到遇见残疾少年展凌歌,他用尽借口靠近她,却也一手摧毁了她与青梅竹马恋人许昊天的幸福,让她跌入无尽的深渊。在她陷入绝望时,亲生父母的出现拯救了她。从此她离开清榕,改名罗菲,考上了公安大学,做了一名女刑警。可是时光的轮盘却让她再次遇见展凌歌。A Kiss for Queens (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six)
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)The new #1 Bestselling epic fantasy series by Morgan Rice!In A KISS FOR QUEENS (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six), it is time for Sophia to come into her own. It is time for her to lead an army, to lead a nation, to step up and be the commander of the most epic battle the realm may ever see. Her love, Sebastian, remains imprisoned and set to be executed. Will they reunite in time?庶女重生,凤后倾天下