好朋友乔治娅跑来向史蒂夫求助,骷髅军团每天晚上都来攻击她的村子,村名苦不堪言。史蒂夫和朋友们一起踏上了拯救村名的冒险之旅。在路上,除了遭遇彩虹破坏者和骷髅军团的攻击,他们还意外地遇到两个盟友,但却一次次遭到背叛,他们似乎陷入了一个巨大的阴谋。故事的最后,他们团结一致,用勇气和智慧消灭了骷髅军团。A Topps League Story
Diego Prado has spent most of his time on the Pines' bench. But when Danny O'Brien goes on the disabled list, Diego gets a chance to play—and he's on a winning streak! Danny wants one of Chad's "magic" baseball cards to get back in the game. Diego wants to keep playing. What's a batboy to do?