本书是由有时右逝、马伯庸、海棠主创的长篇古风奇幻小说。 当时吴承恩想写出传世的志怪故事,为搜集灵感,要亲自下山降妖。妖魔强横,还好师兄青玄,神秘的少女和保镖常伴身边。 但妖魔竟一个个主动找上门来,青玄的身世、妖魔的真相,这一切的故事究竟为了什么。 直到写下《西游记》时吴承恩才明白。Trans-Siberian Express
An epic tale about a land and a people Winston Churchill called "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."American cancer specialist Dr. Alex Cousins is on a covert mission to the USSR. He is tasked with prolonging the life of Soviet Politburo Chief, Viktor Moiseyevich Dimitrov, who is suffering from advanced stage leukemia. But the tenuous confidence between the unlikely colleagues is shattered one night as Alex accidentally discovers Dimitrov's diabolical plans for a nuclear strike on China. Alex soon finds himself dispatched, homeward bound, on a six-thousand-mile journey aboard the Trans-Siberian Express; long enough, Alex realizes, to silence him from alerting the U.S. of the imminent destruction.季寞,爱寂寞:46度拐角