本是所向披靡的女将军,却因功高盖主被皇上猜忌,最终死在了沙场之上。本以为这一生就要这样结束,幸得上苍怜悯,给了她重活一次的机会,只不过,这怜悯是否有些过了头?本是孤家寡人一个,现在无缘无故多出来一个丈夫,而且还赠送一个儿子?这让她一个黄花大闺女情何以堪呢?既来之则安之,儿子乖巧懂事又听话,可这丈夫嘛,啧啧啧。男人嘛,不听话训训就好了,曾经十几万的大军她都能驯服,如今,就一个男人还能把她难倒了不成?欲知成效如何?呵呵!“刘景烨,我脚冷。”“来,放我怀里,我帮你捂捂。”“刘景烨,我饿了。”“好的,我马上就去做,凤尾鱼翅、八宝野鸭、金丝酥雀、佛手金卷,你想吃啥?”看吧,男人,可比十万大军好驯多了。Sergeant Lamb's America
The first in a two-book series, Sergeant Lamb's America tells the story Sergeant Roger Lamb, an Irish soldier who served on the British side during the American War of Independence. Based on real historical events and people, Sergeant Lamb recounts the British defeat and the capture of his unit at the Battle of Saratoga in a voice that's both funny, insightful, and wise.This fictionalized account is based on the journals of the historical Sergeant Roger Lamb, and is largely faithful to the true eyewitness account of the American Revolution told from the loser's perspective. With his engaging, personable voice and basic decency of character, Sergeant Lamb reminds us that regardless of how history casts the British side, there were good men on both sides of this important conflict.