李超主编的《青少年不可不知的中外艺术常识》涵盖了中外艺术常识方 面的知识;作为青少年课外读物,与课本的枯燥单调相比,《青少年不可不知的中外艺术常识》中的知识点言筒意赅、通俗易懂,易于被肯少年朋友们 接受。两女争一男:闺蜜了吗
当闺蜜遭遇爱情狙击,谁能全身而退?徐子嫣和苏荻是高中同桌,一对挚友。在那所竞争激烈的重点高中,她俩相互支持,走出青春的迷惘。毕业后,两女飘在南方。婉约清秀的徐子嫣经历了两次恋爱,靠着努力和才华成了报社名记。开放性感的苏荻则依靠机变和能干,成了女老板。但为了一个男人,两女友谊破裂。最后,当苏荻的家庭、名誉陷入危机时,徐子嫣出手挽救了她。Hiroshima Mon Amour
One of the most influential works in the history of cinema, Alain Renais's Hiroshima Mon Amour gathered international acclaim upon its release in 1959 and was awarded the International Critics' Prize at the Cannes Film festival and the New York Film Critics' Award. Ostensibly the story of a love affair between a Japanese architect and a French actress visiting Japan to make a film on peace, Hiroshima Mon Amour is a stunning exploration of the influence of war on both Japanese and French culture and the conflict between love and inhumanity.