在偶像乔牧飞的小说签售会上,依雪纯教训色狼的英姿被同班同学凌落川拍下并放到校报上,在学校里引起了巨大的轰动。依雪纯求性格冷漠的凌落川把报道撤下被拒后,心生怨愤,事事和他作对,当她得知凌落川因为当年被女友背叛,而再也写不出爱情故事,反而对他心生同情,为他搜集与恋爱相关的书籍,陪他看爱情电影。两人的感情逐渐深厚。乔牧飞认定凌落川是害死父亲的间接凶手,为报复凌落川处心积虑接近依雪纯,报复不成反促进了凌落川和依雪纯的感情,乔牧飞怨恨之余,发现自己不知何时竟对依雪纯动了真心。Moving Target
This is an important and illuminating collection of essays and lectures by the winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize for Literature. William Golding writes about places as diverse as Wiltshire, where he lived for over half a century, Dutch waterways, Delphi, Egypt ancient and modern, and planet Earth herself. Other essays discuss books and ideas, and provide a fascinating background to the appreciate Golding's own writing and imagination. It includes Golding's Nobel Speech. "e;Golding come through this collection as reserved and wary, but delightful...His writing is a joy"e;. (Sunday Times).The Storyteller
Anna and Abel couldn't be more different. They are both seventeen and in their last year of school, but while Anna lives in a nice old town house and comes from a well-to-do family, Abel, the school drug dealer, lives in a big, prisonlike tower block at the edge of town. Anna is afraid of him until she realizes that he is caring for his six-year-old sister on his own. Fascinated, Anna follows the two and listens as Abel tells little Micha the story of a tiny queen assailed by dark forces. It's a beautiful fairy tale that Anna comes to see has a basis in reality. Abel is in real danger of losing Micha to their abusive father and to his own inability to make ends meet.