十年,她由一个乖顺的小甜心变成独立的女强人坐拥了可观物质基础,精明到爱情、工作、生活都计算得无比精准,最后却算漏了自己的爱情。一天之内被男友抛弃,丢掉工作奔赴异地的小城寻找出口。一路行走,让她触碰到了生活里的一度温暖竟然是邂逅了比自己小六岁的大男孩。当23岁森系总裁遇见29岁大龄胜女到底会萌发怎样的故事……Evita, First Lady
Eva Peron was a star and a legend during her lifetime, one of the most alluring women of the twentieth century. Through the hit Broadway musical Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber, her story became famous, and with the release of the film starring Madonna as Eva Peron, her life became a media obsession once again. Whore and feminist, tyrant and saint, Evita was the beautiful and legendary woman who rose up from poverty to become the hypnotically powerful first lady of Argentina. To millions of poor people she was a savior; to her enemies she was a monstrous dictator. In this riveting biography, John Barnes explores the astonishing paradox of this champion of the poor who attacked the rich and, in the process, made herself the wealthiest woman in the world.那个你惧怕着的人(艾玛-霍顿浪漫悬疑推理三部曲II)