Murder in the Cathedral
Murder in the Cathedral, written for the Canterbury Festival on 1935, was the first high point on T. S. Eliot's dramatic achievement. It remains one of the great plays of the century. Like Greek drama, its theme and form are rooted in religion and ritual purgation and renewal, and it was this return to the earliest sources of drama that brought poetry triumphantly back to the English stage.婚后蜜爱:老公大人,早上好
“你需要钱,而我需要个结婚对象,嫁给我,是你最好的选择。”陌寒澈与顾清瑶初次见面便定了交易,他为了有个妻子,她为了爷爷的医药费。 他开始慢慢待她好,已至于让她慢慢陷入他的温柔。 可是当一层又一层的真相浮出水面,她还会接受他吗?小地主家的红火日子
什么!感冒了吃个药,睡一觉就直接睡到了古代,好吧我只有接受。什么!弄了半天还是个架空的,就这样吧反正穿也穿了。家里孩子多也就算了,好歹有个做师爷的爹不是吗?什么!家里的状况可不太好,还好这家里的爹娘民主,家里人手还算多,不是吗?我们来开动脑筋,自己动手丰衣足食就是了。************************************************* 另已开挖新坑一个,<诸玉在傍>欢迎大家踊跃跳入!!!o(n_n)o ************************************************* 基本在每天20:00~21:00更新