本书汇集了从秦到汉23位帝王的小传,涵盖了他们的人生轨迹、朝廷政务、后宫生活及得位根由、身死原因,截取他们生平中最得意之事、最失意之事、最痛心之事,历数品评他们的千秋功过,层层揭开他们的身后留下的谜团,以史实为依据,兼涉轶闻、生活。因而,具有史料性、知识性、趣味性、可读-陛。秦汉帝王的贤愚仁暴、国运的兴衰更迭、政治的清浊荣枯、民生的安乐艰辛,都能给后世以镜鉴。今天我们品读历史,钩沉帝王的史迹,传述他们的轶闻,小而言之,于今之借鉴、增知、休闲,不无裨益;大而言之,个人的修养成长,家庭的维系安顿,处世的进退取予,行事的韬略谋断,也都可以从中受到启迪!Second Chances
Second Chances is a hopeful and thoughtful compendium of anecdotes from people who have wanted another chance at something—and have taken it. It's the big stuff like going back to college after the kids have grown up, as well as the little things like getting a judo belt when you thought you could hardly manage a push-up. The book collects the hopeful examples of people who found a leg up, another spurt of energy, a hidden talent, or even an untapped strength, sometimes with the unexpected help of friends or strangers. Combining the feel-good qualities of One Good Deed and the crowdsourcing methods of Like My Mother Always Said, Erin McHugh's latest book is an inspirational guide about letting the future win over the past.