每一个晴朗的夜晚,天空中总是挂满点点繁星,让抬头仰望的人无限神往。无论是中国还是外国,_无论是古代还是现代,人们都会对自己头顶的这片星空浮想联翩。牛郎织女的传说家喻户晓,十二星座的故事风靡全球……还有许多神秘精彩的故事,尽在本书中!The Cry of the Owl
In a small Pennsylvania town, Robert Forrester is recuperating from a nasty divorce and a bout of psychological trouble. One evening, while driving home, he sees a pretty young woman framed by her bright kitchen window. Soon, he can't keep himself away. But when Robert is inevitably discovered, obsession is turned on its head, and he finds himself unable to shake the young woman, nor entirely sure whether he should. From Patricia Highsmith, once called "the balladeer of stalking" by The New Yorker, The Cry of the Owl is a modern classic ready to be reborn.