【冷宫贵妃】穿越了,不可思议了,准备离宫了……却不幸落入皇帝手中,挣扎后,却堕落情网。既然爱了,那就勇敢的爱吧!后宫算什么?我还是千年之后的人呢!自由,爱情,友情,亲情统统显出,才知道,原来……【带罪皇后】莫名失忆,来到另一国度,嫁与另一个帝王。洞房花烛夜才知道新郎竟然就是旧识……好吧,既然已经事先知道要被利用,不管出于什么动机,利用我的就要付出代价但是,事情再次出现的逆转,因为爱,再次……【贱民王妃】再次魂归大韵,才知大家已经四处分散,为了和大家从新见面,陈菱晰我终于摆脱皇宫开始了江湖的冒险旅程。也开始结识新的朋友,只是,命运始终是改变不了的……陈菱晰死前才真正的领悟这个道理。一切的一切,难道又是一场戏,倘若真是如此,那陈菱晰我用意舍弃一切权势,包括朋友和亲人,只愿有一颗完整的心离开人间!Christmas Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 8
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)CHRISTMAS FOREVER is book #8—and the finale—in the #1 bestselling romance series THE INN AT SUNSET HARBOR, which begins with For Now and Forever (book #1)—a free download!Winter is coming in Sunset Harbor, and Emily Mitchell is nearing her third trimester. While they continue to develop their new private island, a new opportunity arises—one Emily had never anticipated, and which could change everything.