《祖乐阿拉达尔罕传》是蒙古族卫拉特部一部优秀中篇史诗,叙述的是两个主要英雄人物波日罕和芒乃一出生便肩负起反对侵略,保卫部族的重任。在蟒古斯因野心发动扩张掠夺的战争中,他们一直以征讨邪恶、维护部族生存权益为宗旨,凭借“智、勇、力”同代表着社会邪恶势力兼破坏性自然力的对手蟒古斯进行殊死搏斗。最后成功拯救百姓、收复故土,并从蟒古斯手中夺回自己爱妻。这部史诗对蒙古族氏族公社解体到阶级社会产生这一历史时期的社会经济形态、思想意识、道德观念、宗教信仰、人情风俗等都作了非常真实、生动、形象的描绘,堪称一部蒙古民族早期历史文化的“百科全书”。心灵盛宴:小故事 大人生
In 1931, Britain's Conservative Party proposed the India Bill--a piece of proposed legislation that made significant changes to the way India governed itself under British rule. Winston Churchill, with a distinguished history of military service and war correspondence in India behind him, took a position on this bill independent of the party line--and fought for it with characteristic conviction and oratory brilliance.This book contains seven speeches and three important addresses on the subject, printed originally to generate popular support for Churchill's opinion. It should be noted that Churchill's opposition to Indian home rule is one of his more controversial political positions. Despite the strength of his oration, his attempt failed--and the India Bill was approved by Parliament in 1935. Documenting a rare loss for Churchill, these speeches provide an important insight into his mind and strategy as a political leader.