当经济危机令众多公司大伤元气之时,优衣库凭借什么逆流而上,席卷全球而势不可挡?当比尔·盖茨、沃伦·巴菲特身价大缩水时,既非房地产巨头,也非金融大亨,而是身为“卖衣人”的柳井正为何竟能跃居日本富豪榜榜首?从一间小小的西装店铺,到奇迹般以2000多家店铺覆盖全球的服装销售巨头,柳井正的创业人生是怎样的一个传奇?被誉为继松下幸之助、盛田昭夫之后的日本新经营之神的柳井正,他的商业韬略,应该为中国人所熟知。本书披露了优衣库多年来强势成长中的故事,提炼出柳井正睿智而朴素的商业哲学,为您真正解读柳井正“一胜九败”等经典思想。中国大陆首部解读柳井正之作,值得您拥有。Before He Preys (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 9)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes BEFORE HE PREYS, book #9 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White finds herself stumped. Victims are turning up dead, unrecognizable, their bodies hurled from the highest of heights. A deranged serial killer, obsessed with heights, is killing his victims from the highest locations. The pattern seems random.But is it?Only by entering into the darkest canals of the killer's mind can Mackenzie begin to understand what his motive is—and where he will strike next. In a deadly chase of cat and mouse, Mackenzie drives herself to the brink to stop him—but even then, it may be too late.A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, BEFORE HE PREYS is book #9 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night.有一种境界叫苏东坡2