胡乔木是中共党史和新中国国史上的一位起过独特作用的重要人物。他曾长期担任毛泽东的秘书,“文化大革命”后,又协助邓小平做了许多重要工作,享有“中共中央第一支笔”的美誉。本书按照胡乔木的生平经历,分为六个单元:一、青少年时代;二、从延安到北京;三、五六十年代;四、“文革”中;五、十一届三中全会到十二大;六、十二大以后到逝世。较为客观、详实地记述了胡乔木的一生经历和贡献。American Quartet
Detective Fiona Fitzgerald is an unlikely force for justice in Washington, D.C.'s predominantly male police force. As a Senator's daughter and top investigator in the homicide division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Fiona maneuvers between two vastly different worlds, moving quickly from opulent State galas to gritty crime scenes. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and armed with intimate knowledge of the true face of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery concealed within the highest echelons of the American political aristocracy.When a string of inexplicable murders rocks the hallowed streets of central D.C., Fiona finds herself charging through the shadows of a mysterious conspiracy. Faced with an investigation with no leads and a rising body count, Fiona's reputation as a top investigator is called into question.