花样主食轻松做、百变面点巧上手,手把手教您做好吃又健康的营养美食!调一碗好吃面、炒一份喷香饭,做一份精致点心。丰盛花样主食“秀”餐桌,让全家人都吃得健康、吃得满意。Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar
Here's a lively, hilarious, not-so-reverent crash course through the great philosophical traditions, schools, concepts, and thinkers. It's Philosophy 101 for everyone who knows not to take all this heavy stuff too seriously. Some of the Big Ideas are Existentialism (what do Hegel and Bette Midler have in common?), Philosophy of Language (how to express what it's like being stranded on a desert island with Halle Berry), Feminist Philosophy (why, in the end, a man is always a man), and much more. Finally—it all makes sense!