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“Alan, the president of Cloud Valley is the wisest, bravest, strongest and smartest person in the whole of Cloud Valley. If we feel wan, Alan the president will heal us.” Said the small girl in a proud tone of voice,“He is always on high alarm when he is protecting us. Every year he goes to the top of Air Temple to feed the Golden Phoenixes Butterfly of Heavens. However, Alan of Cloud Valley is also very firm of the amount of the Butterfly of heaven he receives because if he doesn’t have the required amount of butterflies, he is in big trouble”

“Don’t worry,” said the small turtle demon in a encouraging voice,“Anyway, tomorrow we are going to Air temple with Alan the president of Cloud Valley. Maybe could even help him.”

The small girl was really glad and said,“HORRAY! I am now going to take you to Alan, the president.”

Yoyo and the others followed the small girl in Cloud Valley. As they walking, they chatted. In the conversation, Yoyo found out that the name of the small girl is Ann. Yoyo also found out that people in Cloud Valley catch the Butterflies of heaven with a special kind of net called Butter net. Because the amount of Butterflies of heaven is extremely rare, people have to go to remote areas to find them.

When they walked on, they realised that Ren, the small turtle demon had gone missing!! Every then had a pitfall stop in search for Ren. Zhi, the small giraffe demon started searching himself and finally pulled out a pair of broad glasses and wore them. After Zhi put it on, he saw that Ren was still crawling his way. It turned out that the small turtle demon Ren did not have the same powers as the Old turtle demon had because he was as slow as a snail. So to speed things up, Yoyo decided to carry Ren.

As Yoyo was walking, he couldn’t stop himself from shaking his head. It looked like the small turtle demon Ren’s powers of speed is not the strongest. Initially, he thought that Ren’s powers would of speed would be the best, however, it turns out that Ren’s speed is as weak as normal turtle. He thought that the small giraffe demon would be able to see far away. However, it turned out that Zhi was blind and was the worst in vision. Everything was contradicted to what he had thought.

Suddenly, Ann stopped. Happily she said,“Since you don’t have clouds, if the people see you, they would think you are weird. This is the Valley of Grass. If you eat the grasses’ fruit, you would be able to float.”

“Oh, so this is the Valley of Grass.”Zhi said in a motional voice,“in ancient histories, the leaf of the Valley of grass looks comparable to a pine tree leaf. At the top of the grass, there is a seed, the seed contains huge growing powers. If you breathe in front of the grass, it will grow until it is one metre high. Then the fruit will pop out. The fruit is sour and sweet. It is delicious. If you do eat the fruit, you would be able to float one metre above the ground for a whole day.”

Ann picked up a leaf from the ground. She gently blew at the leaf. Surprisingly, the leaf grew one inch. She blew it again and the leaf grew another one inch. After three more blows, the leaf was around one metre. The leaf then sprung a fruit. The fruit was round, squishy and bright yellow. It was very cute.

“Yummy food? I want it.” Ren shouted as he grabbed the squishy yellow fruit. He took a big fat bite into the squishy fruit. Ren started munching on the fruit with a really pleasant face. As he ate the fruit, he said,“Yum, YUM!!!!” After Ren finished, Yoyo realised that Ren was slowly floating up.

“I am flying, I am flying!!!” Ren shouted with a big burst of happiness.

Ann picked up a leaf from the ground and gave it Yoyo. She said joyfully,“It is very fun, you should try it out.”

Yoyo took a deep breath and blew at the leaf. After a few more blows the leaf’s seed popped into a bright squishy yellow fruit. Yoyo took a juicy bite into the fruit. Surprisingly he found that the fruit tasted somewhat like strawberry. Yoyo quickly finished the bright yellow fruit. Suddenly he felt that his body getting lighter. He was floating in the air!!!!!!!!!

After everyone was floating in the sky, Ann went to pick up some big leaves. When she was collecting the leaves, everyone else was admiring their new flying skills. After, Ann turned the leaves into towels and wrapped them around Yoyo and the small demons’ legs to hide the identity.

Yoyo thought the towels make the perfect camouflage.

Yoyo, the demons and Ann were all floating towards Cloud Valley. Yoyo noticed that the further they floated, the more people they could see. Everyone in Cloud Valley use clouds to “walk” around. Some people were carrying a big bag. Yoyo noticed, in the bag, there was a wriggling rainbow thing but he could not figure out what it is.

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