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Yong found a random room through the corridor and dragged Yoyo and the others to hide in the room. The room was dark and misty with a really stiff smell of wood. It took Yoyo what seemed like days to notice the surroundings. There was nothing except a pile of big sacks and a humongous wood box.

The sound of footsteps seemed to be getting closer and closer! Yoyo followed the small demons hide behind the door. Nobody dared to move or breathe. After a while, the door opened again. It sounded like someone was carrying something. The was someone counting and people talking, it did not stop. Yoyo and the others hid for an extremely long time until the talking drained out and there was only a man asking,

“Is everything well managed?”

“Don’t worry, it is all the same as before. All of their wings have been pulled off. The rest of the body is in the sack. We can take the sack and feed the golden phoenixes no sweat. Adam is currently putting up the bomb. When he comes back we can ask him to carry the sack to Air Temple. Then our job is accomplished.” The lady said with a smirk,“What I really want to do, is go back to our big house. This shed it stinking like mouldy old cheese.”

“Deal with it, tomorrow, it will be better.” The Man said,“We used to be so stupid. We’d always wait until the golden phoenixes fell asleep, and then stole medicine from the golden phoenixes. But now, we are going to explode the medicine out while they fall asleep. As long as we take all the god medicine out of the box, the future will be heaven to us.”

“When we stole the god medicine from the Golden Phoenixes, we earned a truck full of money. The people in Cloud Valley are so stupid. They trust us so well that they even give us Butterflies of Heaven.” The lady with a big grin,“The people from Cloud Valley are way too brainless to know that if we feed the golden phoenixes with butterflies of heaven, the golden phoenixes would go to a deep sleep. We quickly take the medicine and sell it. This hides the identity. When the golden phoenixes wake up, they would notice that some of the god medicine is missing. They would get angry and go to Cloud Valley and start trying to find the medicine. They also would attack the people who ate the medicine.”

The said in a big grin,“Everyone is so stupid, they believe that the Golden Phoenixes are evil. However, we are the culprits behind this. We are going to get so much fame if we kill the Golden Phoenixes. Not only would we get fame, but lots of money from selling the God Medicine. We would also get all the butterfly of powder the people from Cloud Valley gave us.”

“If they knew the people from Cloud Valley that if you use the Butterflies of Heaven powder on your cloud, it will stay for a long time. They would be fuming.” The lady said in a smirk,“What are we going to do with Adam? He knows all of our evil plans.”

“If the bomb explodes tomorrow, he might die from the bomb. No one would ever know our evil plans. The gold that he hides under his bed would be ours!” That the man with a evil cackle.

“Good Good Good. Until the right time, we would have enough butterfly of heaven powder, god medicine and gold. We could never come back to this place again!!” The lady said with a grin.

“Let’s take the rest of the bomb to Air Temple and Adam can take the Butterflies of heaven. Adam is so lazy. Once, he was doing his work and when he was half way, he quietly sneaked into the house and took a nap. This time, we made a deal that if he works really hard, I will give him double the gold.” The man said as he walked across the corridor and towards the room Yoyo and the others were in.

The sounds of footsteps were getting closer and closer. Yong was so scared that his legs were trembling in fear. In a hurry, he started to look for places to hide. However, there was hardly anything in the room except for a big wooden box. Yong carefully opened the box and went inside. However, Yong did not realise that there was a hole inside the big wooden box. Yoyo then heard a terrifying scream “ARRRRRRR” Yong then fell down the hole.

As soon as Yoyo heard Yong cry, he quickly rushed to the box. The box was really dark and had a hole in it. It also looked like it was leading to some sort of secret chamber. On the box, the was a rope dangling to the bottom of the chamber.

“Yong, are you alright?” Yoyo asked looking down at the chamber.

“I am fine. I am really glad we ate the Valley of Grass.” Yong said in a quiet voice.“However, it is a bit dark down here and I am a bit scared. Can you guys please come down and check this place out, it is really awesome.”

Yoyo and the others were starting to make their way down when they heard some voices coming from the door. Yoyo quickly grabbed Ren and took Zhi down the box and closed the box after. Just as Yoyo and the others had floated half way, they had heard Yong at the bottom shouting,

“Come quick, there is light!”

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