
























When the fisherman realized that the mermaid was crying, he proudly got a massive bowl from a bench and quickly put it right under the girl mermaid’s face. The tears of the girl mermaid started to become beautiful pearls that glimmered in the sunlight.

“Clang, clang…” as the pearls dropped into the bowl.

“This is a mermaid, in the book of ancient history chapter 300, it says that mermaids are one of the most oldest fish species in history. The top part of the mermaids’ body is like the humans’ body. The bottom parts of the mermaids’ are fish scales. The sound of a mermaid is like a baby. When a mermaid cries, it doesn’t cry tears, but pearls! If you use the mermaids’ skin to make oil and you put the oil on a candle and light it up, it won’t go out for two straight years. If you put the oil in water and light it up, it also won’t go out. Thousands of years ago, the mermaid species were hunted most cruelly.” Zhi whispered in a secret tone.

“How old is this girl mermaid exactly?” Yoyo asked with shivers all over, he knew that he must save this girl mermaid.

“You have really sharp eyes. These mermaids are extremely rare, they can mostly be found in big depth dark waters. Those places are Buzz’s places. I had to search to hell to find this mermaid.” The fisherman showed Yoyo the pearls and said proudly,“Look, look these pearls are expensive by themselves. Imagine if you could have a whole mermaid to yourselves.”

After looking at the fisherman show of, Yoyo was starting to become a little impatient. He took out all of the gold he had and asked the fisherman,“Is this enough gold, it is all that we have.”

When the fisherman saw the gold, his eyes glittered in excitement, however, he still shook his head and said,“This is not enough. The whole of the mermaid is special, the hair can be used to make the world’s most strongest net, the skin can be used to make the ultimate oil, etc”

The fisherman kept on talking about the benefits of the mermaid. Yi took the rest of the small demons and started to walk away. She pretended like she was very impatient and wasn’t interested. She said as she walked,“What is the point of the mermaid, it doesn’t even have much of anything. It is also very expensive, RIP OFF!

Yoyo thought that Yi was giving up for real! He was just about to leave when he heard Yi whispering “Don’t worry I have got this all under control. I know that the fisherman would sell this to us. The fisherman already said that Buzz has already put out the area. If buzz knew that a buyer was coming, he would come to take it away from us and even if he doesn’t, the buyer would need a space for it to be kept. So it would be hard to sell it.”

After Zhi’s translation, the fisherman saw that Yoyo and the others were going further and further away. He also started to become a bit impatient and shouted,“Come back I will sell it to you!”

Everybody was admitting that Yi was a professor at negotiating. They not only got the mermaid but also a big bag of golden flying fish.

The small demons took the mermaid in the net to the seashore and franticly tried to cut the net. After, they let the mermaid into the sea. The mermaid took a big leap and ‘Splash’ she went into the water. Soon she floated back up and looked at the shore. She nodded as a way of saying thank you. And then she slowly managed to take off into the ocean.

The small demons watched the mermaid take off into the water. They watched the mermaid until they couldn’t see her anymore. After, the small demons felt more relived that the mermaid was safe. They finally had a deep breath.

“What are we going to do now?” Yong asked while looking at the sea in a disappointed voice,“Our master said that after we go through this, we need to keep on going South. However, the only thing I can see in the south is sea” what are we going to do?

“Does that mean we would need to go through the water?” Yi asked in a scared voice. Yi hated the water.

“We already have given all of our gold to the fisherman. And now, we have nothing left. We don’t have the money to rent a boat.” Ren said with a big sigh.

“Since we still have the water breathing ability,” Zhi said adjusting his glasses,“since the ability is still on why we don’t just swim the way.”

“No Way!” The small demons cried.

Yong shook his head and said,“do you know how long it is, if it was a straight path, it would still take days to go through. Besides, what about food, there would be no food, nor place to sleep, not even rest! What if the ability lacked of? We would be dead from lack of air.”

Yoyo finally figured out what a hard time means. He knew that taking risks was not an option, however, going this far and stopping is also not an option.

What is the best solution for this problem?

Yoyo looked at the small demons in pity and suddenly got a good idea!

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    Vanity Fair called this intensely erotic story of a young woman's sexual and psychological odyssey "a provocative tour through the dark side." Jesse, a beautiful twenty-nine-year-old, is adrift in San Francisco's demimonde of sexually ambiguous, bourbon-drinking, drug-taking outsiders. While desperately trying to sustain a connection with her bisexual boyfriend in a world of confused and forbidden desire, she becomes the caretaker of and confidante to Madame Pig, a besotted, grotesque recluse. Jesse also falls into a dangerous relationship with Madison, Pig's daughter or lover or both, who uses others' desires for her own purposes, hurtling herself and Jesse beyond all boundaries. With Suicide Blonde, Darcey Steinke delves into themes of identity and time, as well as the common - and now tainted - language of sexuality.
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