本书讲述了二战爆发后,日本在发动珍珠港事变后,为彻底打败美国海军,发动了中途岛海战,结果阴差阳错,由于指挥失误,遭到惨败,从而使太平洋战场遭到逆转的过程。本书对海战原因、经过及最终结局均作了细致描写。The Ginger Man
First published in Paris in 1955, and originally banned in the United States, J. P. Donleavy's first novel is now recognized the world over as a masterpiece and a modern classic of the highest order. Set in Ireland just after World War II, The Ginger Man is J. P. Donleavy's wildly funny, picaresque classic novel of the misadventures of Sebastian Dangerfield, a young American ne'er-do-well studying at Trinity College in Dublin. He barely has time for his studies and avoids bill collectors, makes love to almost anything in a skirt, and tries to survive without having to descend into the bottomless pit of steady work. Dangerfield's appetite for women, liquor, and general roguishness is insatiableand he satisfies it with endless charm.大话貂蝉:忠告女人如何获取一生的幸福